Adams River Salmon Run

I have been wanting to blog about my journey to the Adams River (3 times this year) for a while now, but never seem to come up with any words.  The magnificent journey these Sockeye Salmon take to reproduce and then die is fascinating.

There are not many words to describe the determination, the passion and the beauty these salmon have .

It is easier for me to just to show you a few pictures, and for you to go and experience this Sockeye Salmon run for yourself.  Enjoy!

A beautiful Sockeye Salmon lying on the bank of the Adams River, he must have completed his journey only a few hours ago.

The river was red, as far as the eye can see.

After swimming for hundreds of km the salmon choose a partner and then lay and fertilize the eggs. Here is a couple paired up waiting for the right moment.

Up stream I found some fresh eggs nesting on the bottom of the river. I never thought they would be this colorful and beautiful.

When the salmon have laid their eggs, they stop swimming upstream and wash up on the shore. Their decaying bodies will provide valuable nutrients to their eggs and the trees in the surrounding area.

The underwater view of the salmon fighting to swim upstream is truly spectacular.

Ragging currents, ice cold water, eggs floating by and many obstacles are just part of this salmons journey.

As the sun was setting at my back, I took one last picture of this most spectacular place. It is one of my favorites for sure. The hard part is waiting 4 years for the next big run. I hope to see you in 2014 on the banks of the Adams River. Come out and see this wonder for yourself.

I was reminded again Life is Beautiful!